Month: March 2015

How We Planned Our Route

Planning Map in Kitchen

Trip planning over breakfast

The first thing we did for planning this trip was to list our must-see’s (in order):

  1. Machu Picchu (Peru)
  2. Trans Siberian Railway (Russia)
  3. Easter Island (Chile)
  4. Great Wall (China)
  5. Terracotta Warriors (China)
  6. Himalayas (Nepal)

From this list, we started thinking about the route in general. Two of our must-see’s are in South America, three are in Asia, and one from Asia to Europe. It turns out that Machu Picchu is best seen June – August and since it is our first pillar, we decided we should start our trip in South America in June. From there, we entertained two directions:

  1. West to Asia then Europe
  2. East to Europe then Asia


CADENCE 3/23 – 3/29

Bike – 2.3hrs

Run – 4mi

I got sick.

I was feeling very good headed into this week.  We didn’t ski the previous week and I had a lot of energy.  On Monday and Tuesday I rode an hour each on the indoor trainer and did a very nice run with Lindsey on Tuesday.  But, on Wednesday I was feeling off and I could tell a cold was coming on.  I took zinc tablets and hoped for the best.  It was not to be.  It wasn’t till Sunday afternoon when I felt like I could do anything workout related.  So I did 15min on the indoor trainer. While I was sitting on the couch Lindsey went up to ski on Sunday and had a great time.

A rare blue bird day skiing in upstate New York

A rare blue bird day skiing in upstate New York

A busted week.  It happens sometimes and although it sucks to have to skip skiing, hopefully the conditions stay nice for the next two weeks.


Nomadic Finances

When we tell people about our travel plans, their first question is usually “wow, where are you going?” And their second question is either “how long have you been saving?” or “how much is this going to cost?”  It’s asked in a whisper, as if they feel that they shouldn’t ask, but they just can’t help their curiosity. I can’t blame them! We are also very interested in the answers to these questions and have done a lot of research to find ours.

How long have you been saving?  Forever. Ok, maybe that’s a slight exaggeration. But anyone who knows us, knows that we are savers not spenders. We have been saving in general since we started bringing home a paycheck. But, more specifically, we have been tracking our savings for this adventure for about a year. Our first priorities are still retirement and investment accounts, but our second priority has been the adventure account.

How much is this going to cost?  The honest answer is that we don’t really know. We are going to aim for a daily average budget of $100. In addition, we have a slush fund for experiences that exceed the budget (e.g., Machu Picchu, Easter Island, Trans Siberian Railway). We’ve found a few ways to keep our costs down:

  • Free/discounted flights – We hope to use vouchers, points, and miles to cover most, if not all, of our flights. We both have vouchers saved up, travel rewards credit cards, and lots of airline miles with Delta (Lindsey raked up about 40,000 traveling for work in 2013-2014).
  • No foreign transaction fees – All of our credit cards and debit cards have no foreign transaction fees.
  • No ATM fees – Our debit cards also have no ATM fees.

All that being said, we’ll see how this plays out. We want to be mindful of our spending, but we also don’t want money worries to preoccupy our thoughts or prevent us from having fun. It will probably take us a while to find a balance between being savvy and splurging.

CADENCE 3/16 – 3/22

Swim – 1200yds

Bike – 2:50hrs

Run – 4mi

Another week on the books.

Nothing of note happened this week on the cadence front.  I had three nice indoor bike rides, one pretty good swim and one nice run.  I felt comfortable doing all of them and nothing was too taxing.

There was no skiing this week due to poor weather on the weekend and stress.  I’ve heard that your body can not differentiate between stresses on the body, so mental stress can have an effect on your performances.  I think this was the case this week. Heading in to the weekend, Lindsey and I both had a stressful week and the thought of braving poor conditions out on the mountains was too much.  We took it easy, mentally and physically, and feel rested and ready to hit this week hard.


We Got One Way Tickets to…

Lima, Peru!

That’s right, folks, there’s no turning back now! We purchased our plane tickets to Lima, Peru for June 2nd. I use the term “purchased” lightly. They were actually free. How is this possible you ask? Well, in February, we were in Detroit during a layover on our way back from California. They had overbooked our on-going flight to Albany and needed volunteers. We had nothing planned for the next few days, so we jumped on it. The deal was to take a flight the next day, they would put us up in a hotel for the night, and give us an $800 voucher… EACH! We took the offer and had a lovely day in Detroit. These vouchers easily covered our flights to Lima and we still have a little bit left over.