Garage Sale Success!

We finally had a garage sale. We’ve been talking about having one for years. We didn’t have a garage for many years, so we convinced ourselves that we wouldn’t have one and took carloads to the Salvation Army. But then, with the trip looming over our heads and the thought of storing everything for a year, we decided it just had to happen (and now we have a garage).

We started collecting everything we wanted to sell in the garage and before we knew it, it was full. We figured we should have the sale about a month before we leave the Capital Region, so April 11-12 seemed like the perfect weekend. We posted our advert on craigslist with tons of photos the Monday before. We started getting emails within twenty minutes and they continued throughout that week. We ended up selling several items before the sale even started!

We got up before sunrise on Saturday to a windy cold morning. Our first challenge of the day was putting up the signs in the wind without coffee, but eventually we got them to stay. We opened the garage door at 7AM and had a steady stream of visitors all day. Despite the cold, everyone was excited for one of the first garage sales of the season.

Sunday was a beautiful sunny day, but the serious garage salers had their fill on Saturday. We had only a few stragglers visit. Every time we thought we should close up earlier, another customer would come along and pick up a few items.

Since we advertised this as a “Moving Sale,” lots of people asked, “Where are you moving?” and 90% followed with a cheesy joke, “Hopefully, somewhere warmer than here!” The warmer joke was so common, we giggled each time – not because it was a good joke, but because EVERYONE made the same one. Overall, we met a lot of interesting people – mostly serious garage salers and neighbors. We live in a large apartment community right near Global Foundries. They attract workers from all over the country. We met people from Albuquerque to South Texas to Alabama and of course, New Yaawrkahs.

It the end, the garage sale exceeded our expectations. We sold 80% of the inventory and made just under $1000. Now we just have to figure out what to do with the small pile of left overs.


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