One Month to Departure!

Wow, time is flying during these last few weeks. We still have lots to do, but we have made significant progress.


  • Completed prior to April
  • Use gift cards – we have used up seven different gift cards/store credit we had laying around.
  • Have garage sale – huge success!
  • Cancel EZ Pass
  • Reserve moving truck and hire loaders
  • Plan Peru itinerary – this is about as complete as we want. We booked flights through and some of our hostels.

In Progress

  • Get vaccinated – we have our last shots this Friday. Then we will be invincible!
  • Buy computer –  buying a MacBook Air 11-inch soon.
  • Sell car – we have arranged the sale, just need to drop it off.
  • Buy health and travel insurance – picked out plans, we just pull the trigger.

 Not Started

  • Change address
  • Get extra passport photos
  • Scan important documents
  • Cancel phone plan, cable, and EZ pass.
  • Suspend Netflix

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