CADENCE Week 3 – Cabanaconde, Arequipa, and Cusco, Peru

Run – 11mi

Feeling much better.

This week was pretty busy travel-wise. We are starting our big 8 day hike on Saturday and we had to travel a bit to get to Cusco. But I am feeling much better, both altitude-wise and sickness-wise.

I got in a great early morning run in Cabanaconde. The altitude was pretty intense, but I tried to take it easy. Most of the roads are dirt and up and down. I was able to spot a nice flatish dirt road right outside of town. Everyone is nice in the small town and I got hello’s from most of the people I saw heading to work.

Peru - Cabanaconde - View of town

Peru – Cabanaconde – View of town

In Arequipa I went back to the small park and ran around it 6 times. The altitude is much less than Cabanaconde and I was able to negative split each lap.

Cusco is back to high altitude and so far I have not been able to find any flatish roads. So I ran up a hill to Saqsaywaman, a Inca ruin. The hill was brutal, I only averaged 10min/mile up it.

Peru - Cusco - Plaza de Armas. View from halfway up the hill.

Peru – Cusco – Plaza de Armas. View from halfway up the hill.

I have been able to watch the Copa America almost every night. When Peru won Lindsey and I were in our room watching. We were too tired to find a place to watch with a crowd.

I am super excited about the hike. I’ll be talking about it next week.


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