Month: August 2015

Week 13 – Around Mendoza, Argentina and Valparaiso, Chile

Wine, Mountain Passes, and Street Art

Chile - Valparaiso

Chile – Valparaiso

We began our week by continuing our time in and around Mendoza, including a biking winery tour and a few days in Uspallata where 7 Years in Tibet was filmed (and yes, it is that beautiful). On Friday, we took a long but beautiful bus ride up and over the Andes into Chile and all the way down to Valparaiso on the Pacific coast (less than two weeks ago we were on the Atlantic coast). After only a few days, we have already come to love this messy, rambling city.


Week 12 – Cordoba and Mendoza, Argentina

The Return of the Sun!

Argentina - Cordoba

Argentina – Cordoba

Finally, sunshine! We were feeling really run down all throughout Buenos Aires and Uruguay. We couldn’t quite put our finger on why we in in such a funk. When we arrived in Cordoba, we finally felt like we were enjoying travel and not just going through the motions anymore. This return to good moods coincided with the return of the sun to our daily lives. Coincidence? Probably not. We love the mountains and the sunshine, so as we return to it, our mood improves.


CADENCE Week 12 – Montevideo, Uruguay and Mendoza, Argentina.

Run – 17 miles

Nice, calm runs in the sun.

This week was a bit of a transition week. We started in Montevideo where I had found a really great waterfont path. I was able to get runs in on both Monday and Tuesday. The weather had cleared a bit, nice weather for some easy running. But, the steady increase of mileage was getting to me. We had an overnight bus to Cordoba, Argentina and upon getting in I was beat. For the next three days I was super tired both from the running and the lack of sleep. Since sightseeing the the number one priority working out took a break.

We ended the week in Mendoza, Argentina where I went for a great seven mile run in the city park. There are two marked loops, one a mile and a half long and one three miles long. There were a lot of people out on Sunday enjoying the park and the nice weather.

One thing we have really noticed about Argentina is how active the people are. In all of the cities there have been a ton of people out running, biking, rollerblading, etc. In Cordoba, a college town, the city was full of Cross-Fit style gyms. It wasn’t unusual to see a group of gals and guys pile out of a gym and sprint around the block. We even saw this at ten at night! All in all, Argentina has been a great place to run and workout. We only have one more week here, then on to Chile.


CADENCE Week 11 – BA, Argentina; Colonia and Montevideo, Uruguay

Run – 22 miles

Running along the river Rio del Plata.

It has been nine months and two surgeries since my mileage was this high. For a second straight week I have been able to run consistently. I got in four runs this week all of varying levels of quantity and quality.

Up until now I have been content with five mile runs at medium intensity. Usually these are not a part of a smart training plan, but the need to balance some sort of training with traveling (sightseeing, hiking, etc.) makes these sorts of runs typically the best plan.

We have decided to slow down a bit this week and I took advantage. Monday I did two hard miles. I was aiming for 6 min/mile since I was pretty sure I could hold that. I felt good running a 5:50 followed by 5:30. Shoot, too bad I can’t find any races in winter (we are in the Southern hemisphere)!

Argentina - Buenos Aires - Parque 3 de Febrero

Argentina – Buenos Aires – Parque 3 de Febrero

After that, I got in two more easy runs. One in Buenos Aires again and one in Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay. Nothing special to report about Uruguay, it just feels like a different region of Argentina (speaking only of the running atmosphere).

At the end of the week, I spotted a Strava segment I thought I could CR (get first place) along the Rio del Plata in Montevideo. It was along this really great path right along the river that stretches for miles. The segment started half a mile from the hotel and was a 5k at 5:57 min/mile. I did not get the CR this time. I was feeling good, but started a little slow. Then got the runners trots near the end. I waddled towards home at a slow pace, but was forced to duck into a hotel for some relief. At least I made it to a bathroom. I keep some money on me for just this type of problem, but public bathrooms are much harder to come by in Uruguay and Argentina – a surprise after all the baños in Peru and Bolivia. Not sure if I can keep up the four runs a week, but its been fun so far.

Uruguay - Montevideo - Waterfront walk

Uruguay – Montevideo – Waterfront walk


Week 11 – Buenos Aires and Uruguay

Rain and Regrets

Uruguay - Montevideo - Plaza Matriz

Uruguay – Montevideo – Plaza Matriz

This week was marked by more dreary skies. The rain and wind made several days miserable for sightseeing. In theory we have really like Uruguay, but regret that the weather wasn’t good enough to see much or appreciate the beauty. Both Colonia and Montevideo seem like perfect cities for strolling on sunny days and hanging out by the water to cool off. We thought about staying longer, but the forecast doesn’t show better weather over the next week. We have put Uruguay on our “must visit during another season” list.
