Month: September 2015

CADENCE Weeks 16 & 17 – Easter Island, Tahiti, and New Zealand

Week 16

Run – 25 miles

Swim – 650 yards

Week 17

Run – 12 miles

A globe trotting couple of weeks.

Since I am a full week behind I decided to combine the last two weeks. The last day in Easter Island we had a late flight and a late checkout, so I decided to head up one of the local volcanos. This was super hard on my legs. We had been hiking a ton and I wasn’t rested enough to tackle a 1.8 mile climb. Oh well, it was beautiful at the top.

Chile - Rapa Nui (Easter Island) - Rano Kau

Chile – Rapa Nui (Easter Island) – Rano Kau

We had some bad fish right before our flight and had a rough first night in Tahiti. But a day later I was fit enough to run in the heat and extreme humidity of Papetee. I felt a little lightheaded, but chugged water all afternoon and felt better soon. We made our way out to the neighboring island of Mo’orea and I got in a few early (before sunrise) runs before lounging all day on the beach. It was weird to end up with my biggest week of the trip. It was natural and I was really enjoying myself. One thing that took me by surprise was the “thickness” of the air. My diaphragm was sore during my first few runs after trying to move that thick, heavy, humid air. It marked a big difference from the high, dry air in South America.

French Polynesia -  Tahiti - Sunset over Pape'ete

French Polynesia – Tahiti – Sunset over Pape’ete

I did get in one “lap” swim and had a good time, till the next day when my shoulders and back were super sore. But it was fun and I definitely miss swimming.

French Polynesia - Mo'orea - View of Lagoon from Camping Nelson

French Polynesia – Mo’orea – View of Lagoon from Camping Nelson

Unfortunately, New Zealand hasn’t been quite so easy. The van travel means we are moving every day and all the remaining daylight hours are used on sightseeing. Once we get more used to this type of travel, fitting in runs will be more natural. One highlight was running along a 2 foot wide trail cut above the Bay of Islands, gorgeous.

New Zealand - The Bay of Islands

New Zealand – The Bay of Islands


Week 17 – Northland, North Island, New Zealand

Yes, New Zealand Really is THAT Beautiful!

New Zealand - The Bay of Islands

New Zealand – The Bay of Islands

Wow, New Zealand is gorgeous. Every curve in the road brings another beautiful view. We have spent the majority of this week driving around the north end of the North Island of New Zealand. It is shockingly beautiful with it’s jagged coastline, green hills, white sheep, kauri forests, more green hills, and glowing worms. We have completely worn ourselves out trying to see and do everything this tiny section of this tiny country has to offer.

Ahh, it’s such a relief to once again be speaking English and driving on the left… wait, not that second one. Our first week in New Zealand brought about a whole new set of travel challenges that we had yet to face. The first challenge is probably the most obvious – driving on the left. After some nervous few days and constant reminders from the passenger to stay left, we’ve gotten pretty comfortable. The second challenge was trying to pronounce the names of towns. Some are easy, but giggle-inducing, like Whatawhata. While others left us tongue tied, like Paihia, Ngaruawahia, and Whangarei (pronounced Fang-a-ray?!). The third challenge is moving nearly every night. Through South America we got used to staying in one place for at least three nights and getting to know the area a bit. But since we have a camper van, it makes sense to move most nights.


Week 16 – Adventures in Tahiti

Nomadic Cadence - Header - Destination - TAHITI

Another Week, Another Paradise!

It’s Tahiti and it’s exactly what you’d expect: beautiful blue lagoons, steep green mountains, sea life… you know, typical paradise. We took advantage of said paradise and did next to nothing for the week. Other than renting a car for the day, we just relaxed.

An interesting note: Tahiti was not in our original planned route, that is, until we added Easter Island. You see, there are only two flight destinations from Easter Island: Santiago and Tahiti. We weren’t too keen on backtracking to Santiago, and after doing some research, we found that flying from Santiago to Easter Island to Tahiti was virtually the same price as a roundtrip ticket from Santiago to Easter Island. Flights from Tahiti to New Zealand are relatively cheap while flights from Santiago to New Zealand are quite expensive. So, it made sense to go through Tahiti. We figured we should stop and check it out for a few days, just for fun. 🙂


Adventures in Chile

Nomadic Cadence - Header - Destination - CHILE

A New Favorite

We spent 17 days in Chile, August 29th to September 13th… and we wish we had more time! We really liked Chile and only scratched the surface on what it has to offer. We were pretty skeptical after Argentina and Uruguay, but something about Chile just felt right. It was really comfortable for us. Our major highlight of Chile was Rapa Nui, or Easter Island. It was the perfect mix of outdoor adventure and history. It was tropical without being too hot and was simply breathtaking. We’ve also added Valparaiso to our list of favorite cities.


Colors of Chile

Nomadic Cadence - Header - Color - RAINBOW

A collection of some of our favorite photos from Chile, one for each color of the rainbow. Click on the first photo to view a slideshow. Check out our Flickr page to see all our photos from Chile. Also, check out our photo collections by color.