
Destination – South America

Adventures in Argentina and Uruguay

Nomadic Cadence - Header - Destination - ARGENTINA

Good Food, Great Wine, and…

We spent 25 days in Argentina and 7 days in Uruguay, July 27th to August 27th. We enjoyed the food (but it got repetitive after a few weeks), the wine was spectacular and affordable, and… well, that’s about it. We left Argentina and Uruguay feeling “meh.” We were a little disappointed because it felt very average (aside from the food and wine). Of course, there were parts we enjoyed, but we had a hard time getting excited about travel while in these two countries. We never got in the travel groove and always felt a little uncomfortable or rushed or underwhelmed – just off.  We’d like to visit again, maybe during a different time of year, because we felt like we should have really liked it.

We had a great beginning to Argentina in Tilcara and a great ending in Mendoza, but everything in between was not great for us. Iguazu was beautiful, but so crowded that it detracted significantly from the experience. Buenos Aires and Uruguay both had terrible weather, but beautiful architecture. Cordoba had better weather, but we still couldn’t find a groove. Had we to do it over again, we would have skipped over everything east of Salta (Iguazu, BA, Uruguay) and focused on the route between Tilcara and Mendoza. 

Throughout both countries, money was a huge stress. Prices for transportation and accommodation seemed unreasonably high and we didn’t feel like we were getting much for our money. It’s not that we were willing to spend the money, we just couldn’t find the right price to comfort ratio to fit our needs. 


Colors of Argentina and Uruguay

Nomadic Cadence - Header - Color - RAINBOW

A collection of some of our favorite photos from Argentina and Uruguay, one for each color of the rainbow. Click on the first photo to view a slideshow. Check out our Flickr page to see all our photos from Argentina and Uruguay. Also, check out our photo collections by color.


Week 11 – Buenos Aires and Uruguay

Rain and Regrets

Uruguay - Montevideo - Plaza Matriz

Uruguay – Montevideo – Plaza Matriz

This week was marked by more dreary skies. The rain and wind made several days miserable for sightseeing. In theory we have really like Uruguay, but regret that the weather wasn’t good enough to see much or appreciate the beauty. Both Colonia and Montevideo seem like perfect cities for strolling on sunny days and hanging out by the water to cool off. We thought about staying longer, but the forecast doesn’t show better weather over the next week. We have put Uruguay on our “must visit during another season” list.
