
Destination – USA

Adventures in California

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We spent this week touring California and visiting family. We were anxious to get out of the brutal Albany winter since we didn’t get a chance to travel during the holidays. This trip was also an opportunity to test the gear we plan to use for our approaching adventure (departure is three months away). Thank you to everyone who drove us around and let us crash in your guest room. It was a treat to get to visit with so many loved ones in such a short period of time!


Colors of California

Nomadic Cadence - Header - Color - RAINBOW

A collection of some of our favorite photos from California, one for each color of the rainbow. Click on the first photo to view a slideshow. Check out our Flickr page to see all out photos from California. Also, check out our photo collections by color.


Cadence 2/21 – 2/28

Run – 9mi

Bike – 20mi

It sure was nice to be able to run and bike outside, after the below 0-degree days in New York.  The weather in California was ideal for running and biking.

I have been biking on the indoor trainer for a bit, so the bike ride was fun and not too hard.  It was nice to do it with my Dad, he still bikes fast!  Riding around Ventura was a nice scenic trip.  I spent a couple of months in Ventura harbor on the sailboat as a kid.  I didn’t remember much from when we stayed here, but I got to see a ton of places where I played.

I hadn’t been running this winter, but I couldn’t pass up a 5-miler in the warmth.  I felt a little rusty but nothing hurt.  My second run was shorter and I wanted to try out the GoPro.  The head strap worked fine, I haven’t edited the video yet, but it doesn’t look too bouncy.

You can see my workouts on Garmin Connect (user – thelvyn1984) or Strava (user – Pat Cade).
