New York

Destination – USA

CADENCE 5/4 – 5/10

Run – 9 mi

Back at it and feeling good.

At the end of this week I got the ok from my doctor to start running. I went out that same day and did a short run/walk. It was great to be doing something active again. I am allowed to do any cardio I want, as long as I stop if there is any discomfort. I hadn’t been running, even before the surgery, so I’m starting very slow and short. My first two days were run/walks with Lindsey, running for 3-5min and walking for 5-8min.  I’ll keep doing that kind of stuff for the next week.

I’m focusing on running for the future. Running will be the activity I can do with the most constancy on the trip so I want to be in decent running shape. Plus with the move to Colorado coming next week I need to do an activity that is short and uses little in the way of gear. Here’s hoping I run 6 days next week.


Colors of New York

Nomadic Cadence - Header - Color - RAINBOW

A collection of some of our favorite photos from New York, one for each color of the rainbow. Click on the first photo to view a slideshow. Check out our Flickr page to see all out photos from New York. Also, check out our photo collections by color.


These Nine Years in New York

Nomadic Cadence - Header - NEW YORK 3

Farewell New York!

After nine (yes, nine!) years in the Albany area, we are finally leaving. It was never meant to be a long term home, and it lasted twice as long as planned. Some notable experiences we’ve had during those nine years include: got engaged, got married, earned degrees (PhD for Pat, Masters for Lindsey), landed our first grown-up jobs, bought a home, bought a second car, remodeled the kitchen, caught a burglar (Rear Window-style (1954 classic movie)), traveled to see Pat’s sister get married, totaled the other car, donated hair to Locks of Love three times (Lindsey), did P90X twice, bought a brand new car, changed careers (Lindsey), competed in triathlons (Pat), sold our home, won triathlons (also Pat, obviously), taught 100+ people to solve the Rubik’s Cube, went to the ER (due to aforementioned triathlon), and traveled to see Lindsey’s sister get married.

Here is our final run down of Albany:


CADENCE 4/27 – 5/3

Steps – 25,305

My surgery was very successful.

Not much to report this week. I had a hernia repair on Friday of last week and I am still recovering. Everything went well and I’m getting better every day. I’m not allowed to do any activity until my Doctor ok’s it, but I’m supposed to walk as much as I feel comfortable. My steps steadily increased every day and I’m feeling ready to run.

Once I get the ok from my Doctor, I’ll be running as much as I can handle. I will not be able to lift more than 20 pounds for 6 weeks, but I can do cardio. I’m feeling very cooped up and can’t wait to get running.
