
Colors of Colorado

Nomadic Cadence - Header - Color - RAINBOW

A collection of some of our favorite photos from Colorado, one for each color of the rainbow*. Click on the first photo to view a slideshow. Check out our Flickr page to see all our photos from Colorado. Also, check out our photo collections by color.

*Note: The violet photo for Colorado is of Coors Field were the Rockies play – one of their team colors is purple.


CADENCE 5/25 – 5/31

Run – 14 miles

Hot days and cool mornings.

Another basic week of running. With all the traveling back and forth to Denver and getting ready for the trip I only got in three days of running. Fortunately, I am feeling really good and all three days had some hard running. On Tuesday and Sunday I ran up and down the South Platte river in Denver. There is a great bike trail on both sides of the river. There has been a lot of rain in Colorado these last few weeks and the river has flooded. Most of the trail is ok, but Confluence Park where Cherry Creek and the South Platte converge is completely under water. It makes for a scenic run, if one with a lot of detours.

From my Tuesday run I noticed a Strava segment, so on Sunday I tried for the course record (CR), which I got. But 2 x .9miles of 5:20min/mile pace were very hard for me. I have no endurance but I’m happy with those times.

Colorado - Glenwood Springs - View from the house

View from the house – I ran down then up!

On Thursday we were back in Glenwood Springs and I tried to run from the Chadwick house. They live up a hill – 432ft in 0.8 miles. I ran down and down to West Glenwood Springs no problem, but trying to run back up that hill killed me. I had to walk for a while (a long while), but I sucked it up and ran the last .5mile of the hill.

I ran with my GoPro the last few runs. I plan on taking it with me on the majority of my runs; taking pictures and video as I go and see. I will edit the video I took on those runs on the plane down to Lima. I can’t wait to start running around the world!


CADENCE 5/18 – 5/24

Run – 11 miles

Altitude is rough.

This was our first week in Colorado. We got into Denver on Monday after a long day of driving. I was a little bit tired so I decided to forgo a run till we got to Glenwood Springs. Well, apparently all the driving combined with the altitude was too much for me, I slept 12 hours on Tuesday night.

It wasn’t till Thursday that I felt good enough to go on a short run. I got to try out my new watch on the treadmill. It has the ability to estimate your pace based on your outdoor running data. I would say it did a pretty good job.  It was my first run since the previous Saturday and I was at 8000ish vertical feet, but I think the watch did a good job. It uses the internal accelerometer, so when ever I looked at my watch the pace dropped.  But after the fact looking at my data I think this is a neat tool.

After the Thursday run, feeling rested and acclimatized, I got in two more runs. Since I wasn’t familiar with the area I looked on Strava to find popular running spots – something I plan to do before every run while abroad. I found a Strava segment at a park near the house we were staying and went out to test myself.  It was about a mile long and I was able to hold 6min/mile. Pretty good for 4 weeks after surgery. Feeling good and ready for the trip.
